And my reply…..
Facts facts and FACTS
Hmmmm at last count I was aware of 77 distinct cannibinoids in cannabis...did we find another 23? Where is the data on these as I see no information available that talks about these "new" ones? Don’t get me wrong here I will be overjoyed if they found more but I just haven’t seen any data on the new ones yet. As to the federal government they are full of c&%$! They are playing both sides of the field (they are actively seeking and obtaining patents on different cannibinoids) while telling the public that there is no medical value and that rescheduling is "not in the presidents or my vocabulary". How can of federal government put NONVIOLENT users in jail including dying patients, say there is no evidence to support medical use OR research but behind the scenes be looking for "....groups that can harvest, process, roll, and distribute medical cannabis"? How can they lie to us, imprison us, all the while setting up their buddies to take over when it goes legal? The people behind this travesty need to be brought up on charges, cannabis must be rescheduled to at LEAST 2 (for research and patients use) and the federal government must stop lying and release all cannabis prisoners (only the ones that have ONLY possession charges as multiple charges may or may not be appropriate). Then it needs to be made available just like booze or tobacco. Anything short of this will not be acceptable...period and we WILL continue to ensure this is what happens. America......the lands of the FREE, home of the brave and NEVER home to garbage like this (at least that is how it was supposed to be).
And the tricity Hearld
my reply….
ChetB wrote on July, 1 10:01 AM:
The real question here is ....was this legitimate "underground patient’s collective" or was this people scamming the system? Right now almost all patients are forced underground for a variety of reasons (not being able to grow their own or cont find a real caregiver). This must stop and now as we are not criminals but are being forced into such actions by our local officials and Benton County Prosecutor, Andy Miller, for their "interpitation" of the current medical cannabis law. King County (where most of our state’s residents reside) have had an agreement from their county prosecutor for over a decade that allows patients to grow together and to allow store front shops for those that can’t grow their own. As I have said time and again, it is the county prosecutor’s interpitation of the law that will either allow or disallow patient access. Unfortunately our local officials have their heads stuck in refer madness and are not being honest with the public. At the Badger Clubs forum on medical cannabis the Franklin county prosecutor flat out lied (or was so far ignorant he should not have been speaking) about the effects, addictiveness, and dangers (including medical) of cannabis all of which were proven to be untrue. How can we let this disgusting display of corrupt government continue? Isn’t this America?
How can we let this continue?
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