Thursday, June 10, 2010

Endless cycles

I have been watching the medical cannabis movement for well over a decade and it is almost funny. As each states citizens wake up to the true facts of cannabis and realize the lies we are being fed on a daily basis by our leaders and their puppet organizations (partnership for a drug free America is a big one that comes to mind…..and they are “fed” by the alcohol tobacco and pharma industries) the same cycle repeats itself over and over again. The cycle is one of an awakening of the people usually starting with the patients in the most need, followed closely by our officials scrambling to respond to what they see as a loss of control. The 1st response from our opponents is usually yelling and screaming the sky is falling followed closely by every officer and quack doctor speaking out about their precived dangers of cannabis to anyone that’ll listen. Then we get to their arguments they use in these articles. The will inevitably say that cannabis causes all sorts of medical issues (all disproven by real science already in states that have disavowed the feds stance)), that crime will become rampant if medicinal use is allowed, and that it’ll be a magnet for crime. They say what type of message does this send to the kids or they try to make causal relationships that do not exist in reality. It happens over and over as each state starts to look at this subject. The problem with these so called opponents is that all of these questions have already been answered and approved 16 times (15 states have medical cannabis laws as well as WA DC). Why do they ignore the answers that have already been found time and time again? Well, it’s quite simple they do not want this to happen and are willing to do anything including lie and prosecute/arrest our most vulnerable citizens to ensure their “slave trade” continues. If our elected officials refuse to look at the facts and continue to spread ignorance and lies they must be removed. I do not know about you but if someone lies to me or refuses to look at the facts of an issue I feel they have no business leading anything let alone being in a position to make policy on it. The wrong message to send to our kids is the standard lies of the dare program and all others like it. The partnership for a drug free America is actually funded by the main push behind not allowing cannabis as medicine (alcohol, tobacco, big pharma, petrochem, and forestry) as all of these industries will be destroyed or completely revamped due to cannabis regaining its rightful place in our world. This scares the special interests to no end which is why we have such dishonesty from all our forms of government from cities all the way to the federal government. The true power of America, the ones that control everything isn’t our elected officials but in fact is controlled by special interests (big money and all those in the lists above). Cannabis is the death nell of most of the industries and they know it. The day is coming for a reckoning and that is a day I hope to see very soon.

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