Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Wrong War

I have been a medipot patient since 2000 and have seen this war happening with a front row seat. It is great that we are making progress in the medical marijuana movement and even the legalization movement as well. But, these are not the problems. Our problem is currently realized due to an almost total lack of responsibility on our parents and our parent’s parent’s part. Understandable that after a world war people would be very patriotic but no where in there does it say we must be fools. Our last several generations gave up on their responsibility when they started believing everything our government said to them. Instead of listening to what they say and then doing your own research to make an informed decision they took it as it was said. Now, I do understand we have a much greater capacity for communication than they did (internet for the biggest one) and that they could only get so much information in those times, but that’s still no excuse. All of america (lower case intended) KNEW what Cannabis was and even the smoke screen of using slang (marijuana is a Mexican slang word) by Anslinger, the people still found out real quick what had been outlawed. It was probably the most used medicine in the world’s pharmacopeia at that time. When the AMA stood up after learning of the deception everyone else should have as well. It’s in this single act of our populace that relinquished our control of our own country and put it in the hands of fear mongering idiots. We (our current few generations) will no longer take it. You’ve been put on notice. Either change or we will change it for you and make sure your no longer in the picture of American (caps intended here) politics or even any position of responsibility. For all your lies, deceit, and murder of your own countrymen you should be lined up and shot.

This has never been a war on drugs but a war of control by the "elitist religious" on our own countrymen. They based their laws on lies and deceit. Call it "yellow journalism" if you like but I like to call it what it really is....lying. When the feds found that the people were starting to wake to their ploy they flip-flopped on their reasons for making it illegal in the 1st place. They have covered up research that proved that there WAS medical use (known in the 50's and again in the 70's and even now). They have disallowed ALL research that was intended to put a positive light on cannabis. They have denied their own administrative judges, all reports commissioned by government officials (LaGuardia and several others including their own IOM). They continue to deny the truth and put our most vulnerable in jail (not to mention all the other users that just like to smoke pot). Wake up people


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