Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dr identified real cause

I see the same thing in just about every thread I read. People don’t seem to understand the “drug problem” at all. Every “drug” related “problem” we have isn’t because of drugs. IT’S BECAUSE OF THE DRUG WAR! All the issues we have, pushers, users, drug related crime, mob, gangs and much more are all symptoms of the actual problem. It’s just like going to the doctor, until he finds out what is the real cause of the problem you have he/she can only treat the symptoms. Because the government found out real fast how profitable the new drug war on pot and now all drugs was, they did everything they could to continue it even in the face of science showing they were going the wrong way. Science from around the world is showing how far our government has gone to keep the lie and they continue to spout lies even as the proof is right in front of them and they know it. The way to fix our system, and to a great extent the corruption from local officials all the way to the top, is to end the drug war. Stop treating addiction as a policing issue and start treating it as the health issue it really is. Save billions yearly and use the money to fund education as that’s the only way to reduce drug abuse. Once you remove the illegality of the prohibition of these “drugs” they loose their value to the mob and gangs and even terrorists. You take away the “forbidden fruit” aspect of drugs and all the lies told to children, you’ll re-establish the trust that was so long ago lost by our families all the way up to the president. When kids start to get older they naturally want to experiment and the easiest thing they can get is pot, alcohol, and tobacco. Once they try pot and come to the realization that they’ve been lied to is when they start thinking if they were lied to about the other drugs to….sheds a little light on why there is even a gateway theory in the 1st place but it’s only because of the illegality that it exists in the 1st place. If we legalized ALL drugs, regulated as we do with tobacco/alcohol , and taxed it we could take control back from the mob/gangs and cartels, deflate the value of the drugs to where they are no longer appealing to these groups and would have a wide range of effects, all good in the long run. At the same time a program to educate about all drugs and addiction, honesty in family conversations, honesty from our police and politicians, we would find that drug use would go way down. You’d also find that drug related crime would go way down as well. There are way to many areas of effect this would have to talk about here. It would take time to implement, and yes, there would be increased use as we got the system sorted out and started educating people with truth rather than lies. There would be more use at 1st. But as the system is implemented and the truth is out people will start to trust again and the issue will become very manageable without prisons or that entire side of thinking.

We’ve been lied to for decades and now the real cause of our troubles is seeing the light of day. Always look for the truth as its almost never very clear nowadays.

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