Friday, January 15, 2010


Well where to start....We have cities around the state that are trying to find a way to ban collectives (and anything to do with medical cannabis) knowing full well they do NOT have the power to do so in normal circumstances. They say we need a moratorium so they can work out "regulation" but are in actuality stalling so they can have time to find a way to ban it. they refuse to talk with us (the patients and patient groups), meet with us, or even our legal team. If we were a "regular" company they would be contacting us to bring us into the fold. They rely on false information and washed out lies and then retire to their secret back room meetings when they want to develop a bill to "address" the issue. These people that are fighting what the people of WA state have already spoken on are the ones in the wrong. They have proven that they will do anything, and say anything to keep this from happening. they have proved that they will publicly say the door will be kept open while closing all openings behind the scenes. this is totally unfair and against what America is and what the people intended. All we want is safe local affordable access like everyone else already has. its time to clean house people.


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