Friday, August 7, 2009

Our local fight part 1

Way back when, the people of Washington State decided that their doctors, not law enforcement or politicians, knew better when it came to healthcare decisions. We passed our law that enables a very select group of seriously ill and hurt patients to use cannabis (marijuana) for relief when other “standard” methods didn’t work. The law that was written was made vague on purpose due to the fact that if we had anything in it pertaining to the selling of cannabis or collectives the bill would not have passed. As this was a known factor the writers of the law made it so that collectives and dispensaries were not disallowed but not allowed either knowing full well that we (the patients) would need a way to get our medicine. Every time we try to make a move within the system to allow collectives with their own amendment or law but are blocked at every turn. It comes down to a few simple facts…..
1. Cannabis IS medicine and is here to stay (so get used to it)
2. We WILL get our law to allow us to gather together to form collectives and establish dispensaries (even though now it is NOT against the law to form a collective or dispensary)

How can it be fair for you (non medical cannabis patients) to have the right to get your doctor recommended (prescribed) life saving medicines locally but for some patients that’s not ok?

That is called discrimination and isn’t good for any group.

To the end of establishing our collective and grow site we have formed our own group. We have tried to work with local officials. We’ve met with the local mayor, police chief, city planner, and city lawyer and all but the lawyer are with us. The lawyer says since its not specifically allowed in the law that it is therefore illegal. Not sure where he gets this line of reasoning as this goes against all principals of our country and our legal system. If something is not specifically disallowed then by default it is legal. Our city attorney has this backwards which means one thing. He’s been bought and paid for or he is letting his personal opinion influence his job which is so not right on so many levels. The mayor, police chief and city planner have all said that if we can get a statement from the city attorney’s boss (Benton County Prosecutor Andy Miller) stating that since it’s not specify disallowed then by default its legal, they will support us in any way they can. So we play the game while looking at alternatives.